12 Liter Stainless Steel Mixed Bed Demineralization Cartridge Filled with Premium Resin

Product number: 896529
1.822,00 €*
* Prices excl. VAT plus shipping costs.

Available variants

Maximum capacity at 300 µS input water: 14850 liters (99 Ltr. MB resin filling), 1800 liters (12 ltr. MB resin filling), 2850 liters (19 ltr. MB resin filling), 3750 liters (25 ltr. MB resin filling), 4500 liters (30 ltr. MB resin filling), 6750 liters (45 ltr. MB resin filling), 7350 liters (49 ltr. MB resin filling), 8850 liters (59 ltr. MB resin filling)

Product information

Dimensions: 16000 x 800 x 18000 mm
Weight: 100,000 kg


Description "12 Liter Stainless Steel Mixed Bed Demineralization Cartridge Filled with Premium Resin"

  • VA-VE 13 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 12 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 239mm)
  • VA-VE 20 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 19 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 239mm)
  • VA-VE 26 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 25 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 239mm)
  • VA-VE 30 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 30 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 239mm)
  • VA-VE 46 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 45 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 239mm)
  • VA-VE 50 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 49 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 363mm)
  • VA-VE 60 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 59 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 363mm)
  • VA-VE 100 Stainless steel demineralisation cartridge - 99 ltr. MB resin filling (⌀ 363mm)