Equipment technology, components and accessories in clinics

Minimization of process risks in the reprocessing of medical devices

Equipment technology in clinics

Module 2: Equipment Technology, Components, and Accessories

Target Audience: Employees and Managers from CSSDs, Central Sterile Supply Departments, and Technical Services

Seminar Objective:

Avoid and prevent costs for the refurbishment or new acquisition of equipment and plant technology, including the renewal of complete supply systems.

Risk indicators, components, and elements in media supply protect sterilization processes and minimize risks in the treatment and processing of medical devices.

Steam sterilization is a sensitive part of medical device reprocessing. Process water and steam in sterilizers (autoclaves) have direct effects on instruments and pose a high process risk that can compromise patient safety.

In practice, the limit values ​​specified in current DIN EN 285 for feed water and condensate often lead to quality deficiencies in equipment technology, components, and the overall system for sterilization.

In this module, our speaker Ralf Kurzrock will explain the impact of process water quality on the technology used and the overall process of sterilization, considering the current state of knowledge and technology.

Through practical examples and group work, potentials for cost avoidance in refurbishment and new acquisitions will be developed to provide participants with practical solutions for their daily tasks.

Evaluations from seminar participants

Attractively structured seminar, professionally conducted with clearly demonstrated solutions to problems and good practical orientation.

Dr. P. Studte
SHP Wassertechnik GmbH

Learned awareness of circles of impact through media supply. Gained new problem-solving awareness.

J. Bätz

I take a lot with me have definitely received useful knowledge. My expectations were met. The seminar content is very good.

M. Schröder
GFO Kliniken Troisdorf